
Other Translation Awards and Fellowships

After yesterday’s post about the Susan Sontag Translation Prize, a reader contacted us about other translation funding opportunities with upcoming deadlines, namely the NEA Translation Fellowships and the PEN Translation Fund Award. We do try and write these up every year, but as someone familiar with how easy it is ...

NEA Literature Grants

I’m going to write more about this next week, but this morning, the National Endowment for the Arts announced the recipients of the 2009 Access to Artistic Excellence grants. A lot of fantastic organizations received funding this year, such as Archipelago, the Center for the Art of Translation, Graywolf, Copper Canyon, ...

In Contrast, America Finally Gets Something Right

After reading about the Arts Council England’s troubles, this article in the Louisville Courier-Journal about the recent $20 million dollar increase to the National Endowment for the Arts budget comes as a welcome surprise. The current budget is $144 million, and according to the LCJ, this recent increase is the largest ...

More on Arts Council England Funding Cuts

Last month we wrote about the announcement from the Arts Council England that nearly 200 arts organizations would have their funding cut. (Personally, I was really disappointed to hear this—the ACE always seemed so progressive in it’s multi-year funding, payments to translators, etc.) For most arts ...