
Oh, Apple

So, Nate submitted the ebook version of Zone, our 517-page, one-sentence book to the various ebook vendors this week, and got this amazing “error ticket” from Apple: Please include indents before paragraphs and/or blank lines between paragraphs. See the iBookstore Formatting Guidelines, section ...

It's Still Us Against Them

From an article in The Guardian about a very jacked Russian translation of a movie about Margaret Thatcher: Speaking to a crowd of supporters, Margaret Thatcher, as played by Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady, explains what she would do as prime minister: “Crush the working class, crush the scum, the ...

Making the Publisher Visible

Well. Sometime over the past couple days, ALTA posted pictures of a number of people who attended the conference. (A lot of these are the same photos we’re planning on using for the Making the Translator Visible series, so you can kind of get a sneak preview of sorts.) That’s all fine and good. But what’s ...

Another Entertaining List

From The Times is this list of 10 books not to read: 9: Lord of the Rings – J R R Tolkien The best I can say about this book is that it was a very useful tool at school for helping to choose your friends. Carrying a copy of Tolkien’s monstrous tome was the equivalent of a leper’s bell: ‘Unclean! ...

Reminds Me of That Scene from A Heart So White, But Funny

Richard Woolcott, who ran Australia’s foreign service for four years, is publishing a book called Undiplomatic Activities about translation issues in diplomacy. Which sounds potentially boring until you read some of the linguistic screw-ups he cites in the book: Take the Australian diplomat in France who tried ...