
Comic Books and the Digital Revolution

After all the recent Kindle discussions (which are still ongoing in today’s Shelf Awareness), this Publishers Weekly article about comic book publishers embracing the possibilities of digital publishing jumped out at me. In terms of engaging and trying to please their fans, the comic industry seems miles ahead of book ...

Calling All Kindle Doubters

Here’s an interesting take on the idea of social marketing. On Amazon’s site there’s a feature to See a Kindle in Your City: We’ve heard feedback that many Kindle owners love their Kindle and like showing it off. Some of you even said you have trouble reading Kindle in public because people always ...

Two Notes on the Future of Books

The first is from The Guardian: Blackwell’s is to become the first high-street bookseller in the UK to offer print-on-demand books while customers wait. The innovation will be delivered by an “Espresso Book Machine” (EBM), which can print and bind any one of a million titles. Set to be piloted ...

The Future of Books by Mike Shatzkin

Last week, Idea Logical posted a speech that founder Mike Shatzkin (really, you should read his bio, it’s incredible) gave to the Danish Book Trade. The article, entitled The Future of Books for Publishers and Booksellers is one of the best I’ve ever read about the current publishing situation and what’s to ...

Digital Serialization

One of our readers just sent a link to this article in Crain’s about a partnership between DailyLit and Grove/Atlantic to e-serialize Mike Lawson’s House Rules before the book is officially released. DailyLit, an online service that delivers installments of books via email or RSS feeds, announced on Wednesday ...

The Unlimited Model

Joe Wikert makes a good point about the rise of the “all you can eat” subscription model and how this might play out in the book world: As this BusinessWeek article notes, the pay-per-song model might be living on borrowed time. All you can eat subscription models like Rhapsody are gaining popularity. It ...