
Urban Elitist on the Future of Publishing

The future of publishing is a hobby-horse of mine, and I’m always excited to find someone else — like David Nygren at Urban Elitist — writing long, intelligent articles about this topic. A lot of his ideas will be familiar to frequent readers of this blog, but the way he describes the situation is ...

December Frankfurt Book Fair Newsletter

The December Issue of the Frankfurt Book Fair Newsletter is now available online and includes a number of interesting pieces. The article on the 10th Anniversary of the German Book Office, which highlights the difficulties of getting German titles published in English translation and the job the GBO is doing to make this ...

Publishing Models, Translations, and the Financial Collapse (Part 11–The End)

_This is the eleventh and final part of a presentation I gave to the German Book Office directors a couple weeks ago. Earlier sections of the speech can be found here, or collected in a single pdf file. On a more personal level, editors—real, living breathing people, not just the faceless corporation—can reach ...

Publishing Models, Translations, and the Financial Collapse (Part 10)

This is the tenth part of a presentation I gave to the German Book Office directors a couple weeks ago. Earlier sections of the speech can be found here. This is the penultimate part of the series . . . Currently the marketplace is dominated by the idea that books should be enjoyable and useful, an entertainment alternative ...

Publishing Models, Translations, and the Financial Collapse (Part 9)

This is the ninth part of a presentation I gave to the German Book Office directors a couple weeks ago. Earlier sections of the speech can be found here. There are still a number of parts left to post, but these should all be up before the end of the month. Stage Four: What Happens Next? Although it seems that everything ...

Publishing Models, Translations, and the Financial Collapse (Part 8)

This is the eighth part of a presentation I gave to the German Book Office directors a couple weeks ago. Earlier sections of the speech can be found here. There are still a number of parts left to post, but these should all be up before the end of the month. The most frightening news of recent times involves the Borders ...

Book Industry's Schizophrenia, and Hey, That Sounds Familiar

Motoko Rich’s piece in yesterday’s New York Times points out the crazy extremes of the book business in these times, comparing Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s “temporary” acquisitions freeze with the situation at Hachette: As first reported by Publishers Lunch, an industry newsletter, Hachette ...