
Ebooks, Literary Fiction, and the WSJ

OK, so typically I like—or at least highly respect—Jeffrey Trachtenberg’s Wall Street Journal articles about publishing. He’s one of the better book reporters out there, and it’s nice that the WSJ covers our little industry. But his new piece, Authors Feel Pinch in Age of E-Books, is a bit ...

Building an Audience for Translations: Part Two

Last week, Publishing Perspectives ran the first part of an editorial I wrote on building an audience for literature in translation. And now, here’s part two. Here’s the opening: So, what can be done to accomplish the change in priority from “How do we pay for translated fiction?” into “How do we get ...

Ebooks and Numbers and Little Girls in Rochester Suburbs [Random Digital Stuff]

A number of interesting e-book related articles and news items came out over the past few days, and rather than try and make something coherent out of all this, I’m just going to post a smattering of links . . . So: The big news this week was Jeff Bezos’s announcement that Amazon.com is now selling more e-books ...

Reading at the Speed of Print

This is interesting: People can read traditional printed books a good bit faster than eBooks on tablet computers, a new study has found. The study tested peoples’ pace of reading on two popular e-reader tablets – Apple’s iPad and Amazon’s Kindle 2 – as well as a standard PC monitor and a ...

RIT's "The Future of Reading" Conference: A Recap and a Prelude

So last week (was it really just last week?), Rochester Institute of Technology hosted a three-day (and four-night) conference on the “future of reading.” I meant to write about it after seeing Margaret Atwood’s speech (which was surprisingly funny—though the weird thing was, it actually seems funny to ...

RIT Future of Reading Conference: Margaret Atwood

The Rochester Institute of Technology’s conference on The Future of Reading kicks off tonight at 7pm with a presentation (and book signing) by Margaret Atwood. I’ll try and write this up thoughtfully tomorrow (the conference starts up again at 8:30 though, so don’t hold your breath), but since I recently ...

TOC Frankfurt

Not sure how long this has been available online, but you can now download a lot of the presentations from the inaugural Tools of Change Frankfurt conference. Lot of interesting ones, including: Sara Lloyd, Pan Macmillan: Revisiting a Publishing Manifesto: What Does the Future Look Like for Publishers? Ann ...