
More Shatzkin

Ironically, I just got today’s PW Daily and the lead story is about the fourth annual Book Industry Study Group’s “Making Information Pay” conference that took place last Friday, at which Michael Shatzkin (author of the article I just wrote about) and Michael Healy, executive director of BISG, talked about ...

Digitial Textbooks

A few weeks back I spoke at a media class here on campus and was shocked when the majority of students said they would rather buy a physical text book for $XXX than a cheaper, e-based one. I think the whole etextbook sounds like a sure thing . . . thankfully I’m not the only one: Continuing their campaign to draw ...

One Last Digital Thing

Following on all the recent posts, here’s an article from The Bookseller about how all of Penguin UK’s books will now be available simultaneously in print and ebook versions. Penguin UK is set to be the first of the major UK trade publishers to put all its new black and white titles simultaneously into print ...

Harold Augenbraum on the Future of Literary Culture

Harold Augenbraum—Executive Director of the National Book Foundation, whose blog Reading Ahead is one of the most thoughtful, intelligent literary blogs out there—recently gave a very interesting speech at Concordia College about The Future of Literary Culture. Basically, Augenbraum is of the “digital ...

The Digital Future of Books

Ed Nawotka, who writes for PW, Bloomberg, and elsewhere, has an article in the forthcoming issue of Publishing Research Quarterly on Our Digital Future – Rights, Contracts and Business Models that, somewhat ironically, is currently available for free on his website. The article is basically an overview of the current ...

One Writer on Digital Rights, or, We All Just Wanna Get Paid

In reference to E.J.‘s post yesterday about Random House giving away a downloadable pdf version of Beautiful Children (for a limited time only, so get yours — oh nevermind, don’t believe the hype, I downloaded it and got through a paragraph before deleting the whole stinking mess), here’s a ...

Free Digital Books from Univ. of Pittsburgh Press

This is interesting: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that the University of Pittsburgh Press is taking the digital publishing plunge in a joint project with the school’s library. The press is mounting 30 titles from its Latin American series that are at least three years old and making them available for free on ...