
German Book Prize Shortlist

Sorry . . . All German, all day here at Three Percent. But again, following up on the first post this morning with the overview of the German Book Prize longlist, the shortlist was announced just a few hours ago and includes exactly two of the titles I thought sounded most interesting. (I so suck at predicting things like ...

Overview of the German Book Prize

Over at Love German Books, the wonderful Katy Derbyshire has a fun and informative overview of all the titles on this year’s German Book Prize longlist. As with years past (this is the third year that Katy’s written this sort of overview) she noticed some common themes among the books: Teenage girls seemed to ...

German Book Prize 2010

The longlist for this year’s German Book Prize was announced yesterday, featuring 20 titles that seven judges selected from an overall pool of 148 books published between October 2009 and September 2010. (And including the new book from Andreas Maier, whose Klausen we recently released. Yay for Maier!) Here’s ...

German Book Prize Shortlist

The German Book Prize announced their shortlist a few weeks ago, and signandsight.com now has English excerpts available. Here’s the list: Rainer Merkel: “Light Years Away” (Lichtjahre Entfernt), S. Fischer Verlag Herta Müller: “Everything I Own I Carry With Me” (Atemschaukel), ...

Growing interest in Der Turm

A few days age we wrote about the German Book Prize Winner, Uwe Tellkamp’s Der Turm, and lamented the fact that there wouldn’t be much interest in the 1000+ page book from American or British publishers. Well, a little birdie tells me that we were quite mistaken and that Suhrkamp is fielding a “huge wave ...

German Book Prize Winner

We’re a bit late with the news—I swear, the Book Fair will be my excuse for everything for the next three weeks at least—but Uwe Tellkamp’s Der Turm won this year’s German Book Prize. Hasn’t been a huge amount of interest from American or British publishers (surprise!) for this 1,000 page ...

English Excerpts from the German Book Award Shortlist

As someone commented last week, SignandSight has just posted excerpts from five of the six finalists for this year’s German Book Award. (The only one missing is Rolf Lappert’s Swimming Home, which appears to be in process.) I think this is a very valuable resource, especially if one of the goals of the prize is ...