
Russia's Young, Exportable Writers

Following up on yesterday’s posts, here’s a piece on the Russian Debut Prize that I also wrote for Publishing Perspectives. Interesting project and seems crazy in its scope—30,000+ entries a year?! Back in 2000, the “Debut Prize” was established by the Pokolenie (Generation) Foundation to support ...

Rossica Translation Prize to Amanda Love Darragh

Announced earlier this week, this year’s Rossica Translation Prize was awarded to Amanda Love Darragh for her translation of Iramifications by Maria Galina. The prize of £5,000 is split between the translator and publisher—which in this instance is the admirable Glas, one of the finest publishers of ...

Skunk: A Life

Written after the fall of the Soviet Union, the novel, Skunk: A Life paints a picture as to what life was like during the 1950s in Soviet Russia from a post-Soviet perspective. The themes in Peter Aleshkovsky’s novel are classically Russian: he illustrates the internal moral battle that everyone must endure in a ...