
Goncourt Getting Less Old

The Prix Goncourt has decided to adopt an age limit (link goes to Le Monde). If you hit 80, you become an honorary member and can no longer vote. For those of you with some French: Mardi 5 février, c’est à l’unanimité que les sept membres présents – seul Michel Tournier s‘était fait excuser ...

Gilles Leroy Interview

Here’s video of an interview with a still-basking-in-the-post-Goncourt-glow Gilles Leroy. The interview is in French, which is why I have very little to say about ...

Goncourt & Renaudot announced

The 2007 Prix Goncourt was announced today. It went to Gilles Leroy for Alabama Song. And the Prix Renaudot, which was also announced today, went to Daniel Pennac for his Chagrin ...

Prix Goncourt shortlist

La deuxième sélection du Goncourt 2007 was made today: Olivier Adam : “A l’abri de rien” (L’Olivier) Philippe Claudel : “Le rapport de Brodeck” (Stock) Marie Darrieussecq : “Tom est mort” (P.O.L.) Clara Dupont-Monod : “La passion selon Juette” ...