
New Hungarian Quarterly

As has been mentioned elsewhere, the new issue of the Hungarian Quarterly is now available. (Some pieces are available online, but in most instances, there’s just a sample.) There are quite a few interesting pieces, including an interview with Magda Szabó (whose most famous novel—The Door appears to be ...

Sunflower event in NYC

Sara, at NYRB’s weblog, is inviting you to their ‘launch’ event for Sunflower. If you’re in NYC tomorrow you should go check it out. The Hungarian Cultural Center presents John Lukacs in conversation with John Bátki. They will be discussing Gyúla Krúdy’s Sunflower. This fantasia of a book ...

LA Times on Sunflower

The LA Times has a review, which we overlooked these many weeks, of Gyula Krúdy’s Sunflowers, out now from the consistently incredible New York Review Books. It sounds fantastic. Here, for example, is one of his translators, the usually sober-minded poet George Szirtes, describing Krúdy’s Sindbad stories ...