
Three Percent #23: Nonfiction Books Are Books Too

In this week’s podcast we learn the following: Chad is working through the five stages of grief about Albert Pujols and MSU (he is filled with ANGER); Tom doesn’t read a ton of nonfiction, but when he does, it tends to focus on all things violent (see a theme?); faux-karaoke singers on the subway might suck, but ...

One Interesting Translation Person Talking About Another

Last Sunday’s New York Times Book Review had a few interesting pieces, including Adam Thirlwell’s review of David Bellos’s new book Is That a Fish in Your Ear?, which is, by far, one of the best reviews I’ve read about this title. That’s not all that surprising, since Thirlwell is such an ...

The Bridge Series: David Bellos

Last week we featured David Bellos’s Is That a Fish in Your Ear? on our Read This Next, website and after reading the sample we made available (along with the interview and full review), I’m sure that everyone in the greater NYC area will want to go see Bellos talk about his book as part of The Bridge Series. ...

Is That a Fish in Your Ear?

It makes a strange sort of sense that the man who translated Life A User’s Manual would subtitle his new book “Translation and the Meaning of Everything.” Clearly, David Bellos isn’t lacking in ambition, and without giving away too much too soon, that’s for the best. Maybe it’s because of ...

Is that A Fish in Your Ear? by David Bellos [Read This Next]

This week’s Read This Next title is David Bellos’s Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything, which is coming out in late October from Faber and Faber. As I mentioned on a couple of our Three Percent podcasts, this is one of the fall books that I’ve been looking forward to for ...

Is That a Fish in Your Ear? [Book Trailers]

I’m about halfway through David Bellos’s forthcoming Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything, and absolutely love it. I think we’ll be promoting this in Read This Next in late-September, and I’ll definitely be using it in my translation class next spring. I’ll ...