
Vice Magazine and John Calder

I have to thank Dan Visel for bringing this to my attention. Until he e-mailed me, I hadn’t looked at Vice magazine in quite some time. But what a fiction issue! Heinrich von Kleist’s The Earthquake in Chile (forthcoming from Archipelago), an interesting list of recommendations from writers who are also teachers, ...

Bloggerel and John Calder on the Internets

Alma Books—run by the former publishers of Hesperus Press, who, in addition to publishing their own line of fantastic book, acquired Calder Books last year—recently launched a book blog called Bloggerel. I have to admit that I just found out about this yesterday, from our comments section no less, but based on ...

Big Issues at Calder-Oneworld Classics

There’s a lot that could be written about John Calder—both good ad bad. He’s done a lot for world literature, yet has run into issues at various times involving not making royalty payments, going bankrupt, etc. That said, he’s the perfect representative of a classic, old-school publisher who is ...