
Kindle Review

In case you’re dying for more Kindle news, the New York Times has finally run their review: But as traditionalists always point out, an e-book reader is a delicate piece of electronics. It can be lost, dropped or fried in the tub. You’d have to buy an awful lot of $10 best sellers to recoup the purchase price. If ...

…you are also a consumer.

In The New Atlantis, Christine Rosen has a great article about reading and ‘digital literacy’. The Kindle will only serve to worsen that concentration deficit, for when you use a Kindle, you are not merely a reader—you are also a consumer. Indeed, everything about the device is intended to keep you in a ...

Kindle 2

If you’re curious about the new Kindle, Engadget has a hand-on photo gallery and some

The latest wave of e-book discussion

One of the best technology websites around, Ars Technica, takes a look at e-books. What’s most interesting to me about this particular article is that it was written by someone, John Siracusa, who was there at the very beginning of e-books. I honestly can’t remember the first e-book I read on its ...

Oprah Backlash

I wondered when someone would speak out against Oprah’s endorsement of the Kindle. From the Vroman’s Bookstore Blog: Unless you’ve been living under a rock or, I don’t know, focusing on the election or something, you probably know that Oprah is just crazy about Amazon’s ebook reader the ...

Kindle 2.0?

If this is really it, I’m still not in love.

Book Publishing Recommendations

Richard Nash pointed this out on Friday, but Business Week ran an interesting article last week by Sara Lacy about how book publishers should learn from Web 2.0 ideas and revitalize their practices. Publishing is a subject near and dear to me—and not only because for the past two years I have been writing my first ...