
Translation and Collaboration

I missed this when it was on yesterday, but yesterday’s The Leonard Lopate Show was all about “Translation and Collaboration.” Edith Grossman (author of Why Translation Matters and translator of so, so many brilliant books, including Don Quixote), Idra Novey (executive director of Columbia University’s ...

Mercè Rodoreda

Unfortunately for us this is about a year too soon, but Sandra Cisneros is on the Leonard Lopate Show today at 12:00 EST talking about Mercè Rodoreda as a part of their summer reading series: We continue our Underappreciated summer reading series with a look at Mercè Rodoreda, who wrote The Time of the Doves in exile ...

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o

The Elegant Variation is giving away a copy of Wizard of the Crow by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, the exiled Kenyan author who now teaches at UC-Irvine. Here’s an interview with Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o—talking about Wizard of the Crown—on the Leonard Lopate ...