
BTBA Reading Group, BTBA Display

I didn’t notice this until just now, but Joshua Mostafa has set up a book club on LibraryThing to read a book a month from the BTBA Shortlist. He needs a few more members to get this rolling, so anyone who’s interested should head here and join up. It’s free, easy, will be great fun, etc. (And it’s ...

Will You Like It?

Although he includes a few caveats about its effectiveness, Tim’s post at the LibraryThing blog about their new “Will you like it?” feature is pretty interesting. Each book page now has a little bar that, after clicking, will predict whether or not you’d like a particular book. How does it ...

One More LibraryThing Post

This actually went up a while ago, but we’re giving away copies of The Sailor from Gibraltar by Marguerite Duras, and Vilnius Poker by Ricardas Gavelis in this month’s Early Reviewers program, so be sure to go and request a copy . . . ...

LibraryThing's Secret Santa

There’s not a lot of time to sign up (registration closes on December 15), but LibraryThing is hosting its second annual Secret Santa campaign: The idea is simple. Pay $25. You play Santa to a random LibraryThing member, and find them up $20 worth of books, based on their library or a short description. Someone ...


Sara Kramer of NYRB emailed me about my microsite idea this morning, and pointed out something cool that I didn’t know about: WikiThing, which is the Wiki page of LibraryThing. In itself, maybe the WikiThing site isn’t that interesting for you, unless you’re into LibraryThing. However, there are a few ...

LibraryThing — Two Years Old

LibraryThing,, the online personal book cataloging/social network for readers is celebrating its second birthday, and posted a bunch of interesting statistics about its success. A year ago we had just hit five million books on our birthday, today we’re just a few hours away from 18 million books. We have ...