
The Guadalajara International Book Fair

As the Barcelona Book Fair ended this past Sunday, the bigger, better—and according to Jorge Volpi at El Pais—“paradise” that is the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) was just getting started on the other side of the globe. A resident of Mexico City, Volpi writes a very funny article, focusing largely on ...

Google and UNAM

UNAM (La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) has reached an agreement with Google to digitalize all of their publications from 1950 through 2007. The deal was signed this past June and as of late September, Google has uploaded the first group of books, consisting of 718 titles. Google will scan groups of UNAMs ...

The Barcelona Book Fair

El Salón del libro de Barcelona (The Barcelona Book Fair) concluded this past Sunday after five days of events. While no one from Open Letter traveled to Barcelona for the fair, we are certainly interested in coverage of the event. The SLB site , available in Catalan or Spanish, has lots of useful information for both ...

Gym-Jazz en Español

El diccionario de uso español, a new and improved Spanish dictionary published by Maria Moliner, was unveiled this past Wednesday in Madrid. The dictionary has an incredible addition of 12,000 new terms. Moliner based her dictionary off of the Dictionary from the Academia Real, the Spanish equivalent of the Oxford English ...

The Buenos Aires Archive of Writers

I recently came across this website and it is unlike anything I imagine exists in the US. The Buenos Aires government, along with other European and Latin American cities, has a specific department for the development and preservation of the arts. Part of their work is the creation of The Buenos Aires Audiovisual Archive of ...