
2008 PEN World Voices Festival

PEN announced the first event of the 2008 PEN World Voices Festival. There isn’t any news about other participants, or events, yet, but we’ll keep you posted. The Three Musketeers Reunited: Umberto Eco, Salman Rushdie and Mario Vargas Llosa When: Friday, May 2 bq. Where: 92nd St. Y: New York City bq. ...

Vargas Llosa in the Times

The New York Times Magazine has an interview with Mario Vargas Llosa about his new book, The Bad

Vargas Llosa Honored Again

Mario Vargas Llosa has been given another honorary degree, this time from the University of Reims Champagne-Ardennes. L‘écrivain hispano-péruvien Mario Vargas Llosa a été nommé mercredi docteur honoris causa de l’Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, qui accueille depuis lundi et jusqu‘à jeudi ...

Vargas Llosa and….Whoopi?

Immediately following an exciting tidbit about Whoopi Goldberg and The View, IHT mentions Mario Vargas Llosa: Mario Vargas Llosa, one of the Spanish-speaking world’s most acclaimed writers, was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of La Rioja in northern Spain. Vargas Llosa, 71, has written more than ...