
Hermano Cerdo Otra Vez

A new issue of this martial-arts-meets-literature site has arrived. This edition includes a short war story, “Una buena semana,” or, “A Good Week,” by Juan Bonilla, a writer from Bogotá. I also enjoyed the essay, “Sidekick,” by Miguel Habedero. He writes, “Hubo una época en la ...

Rafael Chirbes wins Spain's National Critics Prize

Spanish author Rafael Chirbes has recently been awarded Spain’s National Critic’s Prize for his novel Crematorio, which, according to Ángel Basanto of El Mundo, “takes on shady business dealings perpetrated by the outrageous capitalism of recent years with bravery and clarity, and delves into the intimate ...

Bienvenido a La Ciudad Letrada

For those of you who read Spanish, La Ciudad Letrada (The Lettered City) is a fresh take on literary blogging. This site combines fiction, essay, and miscellaneous bits of literature-focused writing into what feels like a cyber-downtown for lit addicts. A few minutes of clicking brought me to Matías Esteban Ilivitsky’s ...

Get your kicks with HermanoCerdo

Although a number of literary blogs populate the web, HermanoCerdo is almost certainly unlike anything else floating around cyberspace. Its “Colaboraciones” page invites the following contributions: “HermanoCerdo acepta colaboraciones de cuentos, reseñas, ensayos, crónicas, traducciones y textos ...

Book of the Week from El Pais

This week, El Pais features the work of the Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish. A number of his books of poetry have been translated from Arabic into Spanish, including Menos rosas, Estado de sitio, and Mural. Darwish, born to Muslim parents in Al-Birwa, faced exile to Egypt, France, Lebanon, and Tunisia as a result of his ...

Book of the Week from El Pais

This week, El Pais features the work of the Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish. A number of his books of poetry have been translated from Arabic into Spanish, including Menos rosas, Estado de sitio, and Mural. Darwish, born to Muslim parents in Al-Birwa, faced exile to Egypt, France, Lebanon, and Tunisia as a result of his ...

El Pais's Book of the Week

Ed Note: Melissa started this series on El Pais‘s book of the week as a way of providing a perspective on what books are currently being featured in other countries. Pretty interesting that the first week features Enrique Vila-Matas—one of my favorite contemporary Spanish authors. -CWP Each week, El País ...