
Best Translated Book 2008 Longlist: Nazi Literature in the Americas by Roberto Bolano

For the next several weeks we’ll be highlighting a book-a-day from the 25-title Best Translated Book of 2008 fiction longlist, leading up to the announcement of the 10 finalists. Click here for all previous write-ups. Nazi Literature in the Americas by Roberto Bolano, translated from the Spanish by Chris ...

Reading the World 2008: Nazi Literature in the Americas by Roberto Bolano

This is the eleventh Reading the World 2008 title we’re covering. Write-ups of the other titles can be found here. And information about the Reading the World program—a special collaboration between publishers and independent booksellers to promote literature in translation throughout the month of June—is ...

Latest Review: Nazi Literature in the Americas

Our latest review is of Roberto Bolano’s Nazi Literature in the Americas, the fourth Reading the World 2008 title to be reviewed on Three Percent. This was highly anticipated and totally lives up to the hype. ...

Nazi Literature in the Americas

To be honest, there isn’t a whole lot that I feel I have to say about Nazi Literature in the Americas, the latest Bolano book to make its way into English except that everyone should run out, buy it, and read it multiple times because it really is that good. Since New Directions published By Night in Chile in 2003, Bolano ...

Review of Bolano's Nazi Literature in the Americas

Joshua Cohen has one of the first (hopefully of many) reviews of Roberto Bolano’s Nazi Literature in the Americas in yesterday’s Jewish Daily Forward. A surprise to probably no one, the book sounds awesome: Nazi Literature in the Americas, first published in Spanish in 1996, is not a work of nonfiction, ...

PW Review of Bolano

Galleys of Bolano’s Nazi Literature in the Americas have been circulating for a few months now, and everyone I’ve talked with absolutely loves the book. Publishers Weekly has the first actual review I’ve seen of this, and the reviewer tends to agree: The title chosen by Bolaño (1953–2003) for this ...

So Jealous

Over at the Literary Saloon it appears that Michael Orthofer has received a galley of Nazi Literature in the Americas, the next Bolano book to be published in English. It’s due out from New Directions in February, which is a mere 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 months away. (A third of a year! Good God!) Well, it’s ...