
Cool Death and the Penguin Promo [Imaginary Places]

Just got an email about this awesome offer from Melville House that I wanted to share for a few reasons.: From the As-If-The-Cover-Didn’t-Tip-You-Off-Already department: Death and the Penguin by Andrei Kurkov is the perfect example of why the Melville House International Crime series is like no other: It’s political, ...

And Picking Up on That Free Book Comment . . .

Scott Karp has an interesting post at Publishing 2.0 regarding the possibility of putting ads in books: It seems that everything that can command consumer attention — websites, software applications, social networking, video games, reality TV — is being monetized through advertising. So why not books? Especially in ...

Fiction and Pricing

Litkicks is holding a pretty interesting conversation about pricing and literary books. LitKicks is asking a variety of book industry professionals (including publishers, authors, agents, editors, distributors, sales representatives, booksellers, librarians, critics and bloggers) a question: “Does literary fiction ...