
I Can't Believe It's That Time Already

But PW has their list of the Best Books of 2008 online already. It’s a huge list, but the fiction section includes some real gems. My personal favorites are: The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolaño (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) Chilean-born novelist Bolaño (1953–2003), beautifully translated by Natasha Wimmer, ...

PW Reviews — More about Priorities

Publishers Weekly is one of my favorite review sources, providing a slew of brief, intelligent reviews every week. I especially like the fact that they cover a higher percentage of independent, small press, and university presses than most newspapers or magazines. In this week’s reviews there’s a nice write-up ...

This Week's PW Reviews

Couple interesting books reviewed in this week’s “Publishers Weekly,” including the latest Lydie Salvayre book, Power of Flies. Salvayre’s fifth novel to be translated into English is a tightly introspective series of first-person confessions by an arrogant murder convict whose life was transformed by ...

PW on a Couple Translations

This week’s fiction reviews at Publishers Weekly includes a couple reviews of translations worth noting. They gave a starred review to Victor Serge’s The Unforgiving Years, which is forthcoming from New York Review Books, and is a title we’d very much like to review here. The PW reviewer summed it up by ...

Intriguing New Distribution Method

As reported by Publishers Weekly, DailyLit has both Perseus Books Group and Globe Pequot to its pay service, which will be launching later this fall. Of all the technological innovations impacting the book industry—Espresso Book Machine, Sony’s eReader—this is the one I find most appealing. As a reader, ...

Interesting Bookstore Collaboration

Judith Rosen at Publishers Weekly reports on an interesting collaboration taking place in Western Massachusetts: The concept of bookstore tourism is getting redefined in Western Massachusetts, where ten independent bookstores are following the example set last year by the region’s museums, who banded together to form ...

This Week's PW Reviews

The August 6th set of Publisher Weekly fiction reviews are now online and feature a couple of interesting books in translation. The first is Cries in the Drizzle (which sounds like a translated title) by Yu Hua “depicts a family’s life in the Zhejiang province of Maoist China during the 1970s.” According ...