
Prepping for Frankfurt and the Publishing Perspectives Show Daily

OK, this is a sort of odd post, and only applies to some of you, but I’m going to fall back on my traditional “screw it, it’s Friday” excuse and just post this anyway . . . As I’ve mentioned before, at this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair I’m going to spend basically all of my time ...

Dynamic Pricing and Ebooks

Today’s feature article at Publishing Perspectives is an interview with Rafi Mohammed about pricing, specifically about the “1% windfall” (increase prices by 1% make $$$$) and “dynamic pricing” for books. Here are a couple choice excerpts: PP: Author Cory Doctorow has framed this debate as ...

Publishing Perspectives Editorial (Redux, Part Two)

So, what can be done to accomplish the change in priority from “How do we pay for translated fiction?” into “How do we get more people interested in these books?” First off, there’s the “publishers are sheep” problem. I once saw Scott Moyer (formerly of Random House and Penguin, currently working at the Andrew ...

Publishing Perspectives Editorial (Redux)

Because of how this was broken up over two weeks, and because I’m still recovering from my vacation in Ohio with my family, I thought I’d rerun the editorial I wrote for Publishing Perspectives. I’ll stick with the two-part format, since that pretty much makes sense, so here’s Part One: “What we ...

Building an Audience for Translations: Part Two

Last week, Publishing Perspectives ran the first part of an editorial I wrote on building an audience for literature in translation. And now, here’s part two. Here’s the opening: So, what can be done to accomplish the change in priority from “How do we pay for translated fiction?” into “How do we get ...

Building an Audience for Translations: Part One

As noted on Monday, I’ve been guest editing Publishing Perspectives this week, mainly writing a daily post for the blog and working on the two-part editorial that’s running today and Monday. Taking off from a conversation I had late last week, I tried to write about ways to build audiences for literature in ...

Ebooks in Argentina

Today’s Publishing Perspectives article on the forthcoming Argentine ebook market is really interesting. Octavio Kulesz from Teseo delves into some of the difficulties facing Argentine publishers regarding the creation and sale of ebooks, making a case for Argentinean entrepreneurs to come along and save the ...