
Oh Great, And Now There's This

From Time: Citing a changing climate in the reading world, the furniture authorities are putting a new spin on the old bookshelf – redesigning it to store anything but books. The storage mavens at IKEA have noticed a shift in what consumers are storing in their bookshelves. After all, a Kindle can hold thousands ...

For an "Industry in Crisis" There Sure Are a Lot of Books

From today’s Publishers Weekly summary of Bowker’s latest report on publishing: Despite the belief in many quarters that the growth of e-books will mean the death of the printed book, the number of books produced by traditional publishers rose 5% in 2010, to a projected 316,480, according to preliminary ...

Everybody Please Just Calm the &*%$ Down [We Should All Be Butler]

In honor of Butler’s semi-improbable run to the Final Four, making Brad Stevens the youngest coach in history to make it to two Final Fours, and because it’s true that publishers and bloggers and people in general freak out too much, and because it’s Monday, I’m rerunning this post from last April, ...

Welcome to the Latest Year to Look Weird on Checks . . .

Ever since the year 2000, every year seems less believable to me . . . When I was a kid, I never thought I’d see the year 2000, much less the year 2010, after which, 2011 seems sort of anti-climactic. Sure, this technically marks the start of a new decade, but since we never named the last one, it feels pretty ...

"When a book makes sweet sex to a computer, the resulting offspring is called a blog"

Since my first “Introduction to Literary Publishing” class of the semester starts in about an hour, I thought I’d share this video with some very basic information about what a book ...

A Week of Quick Links: Monday

Since basically no one is going to be in the office this week, rather than try and write up longer, informative posts, I’m going to try and post a round-up a day of interesting links/blog posts, etc., etc. No guarantees this will actually happen—I’m pretty skilled at starting projects that I never finish . . ...

The Kindle and the iPad at 400x

This is really nerdy and cool . . . Over at BIT-101 Keith decided to play around with his new USB microscope by seeing what various print-related things looked like blown up to 400x. First up, the Kindle: As he says, this looks “almost organic at high magnification.” Much, much different from the ...