
A Final Post about Lost

So the other week when I joked about how Lexiophiles referred to Three Percent as containing “random, unrelated informational debris”? Well, this post sort of proves their point . . . At 2:30am this morning, I finished what I think will be the last real piece that I’ll ever write about Lost. (Not counting ...

Everybody Please Just Calm the &*%$ Down [We Should All Be Butler]

So last night’s National Championship was one of the best basketball games I’ve ever watched. Back-and-forth, fairly well-played, intense, exciting, etc., etc., all coming down to a half-court miracle shot that was a fraction of a hair from going in and bringing the Evil Duke Empire (and their possibly unhinged ...

It's Like Darth Vader meets Voldemort . . .

From BoingBoing: Microsoft is ready to pay Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. to remove its news content from Google, according to the Financial Times. Microsoft has also approached other “big online publishers” with similar deals. “One website publisher approached by Microsoft said that the plan ...

One Year of Three Percent

I just noticed that it was one year ago yesterday that Three Percent went live. (E.J. and I “practiced” for a while, but unless you’ve scoured the archives, you probably never saw those posts.) Ironically—well, maybe—the first post was actually a rant about how stupid it was that Grey’s ...

From German Literature to the Best Show on TV

So tonight is the night for The Invention of Morel to appear on Lost, and in case you’re interested in the context in which the book appears, check out this “sneak peek”: And in the category of odd cosmic coincidences (a staple of Lost), the actress who inspired Adolfo Bioy Casares to write this novel ...

There's a "Road Not Taken" Joke Here Somewhwere

From the AP: A former home of poet Robert Frost has been vandalized, with intruders destroying dozens of items and setting fire to furniture in what police say was an underage-drinking party. Homer Noble Farm was ransacked late Friday night during a party attended by as many as 50 people, Sgt. Lee Hodsden said ...

One Model Doesn't Fit All

From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer Paperspine is trying to do for books what Netflix did for DVDs. In fact, Dustin Hubbard — the Microsoft Corp. program manager who co-founded the Issaquah startup on a leave of absence this summer — said he was inspired by the online movie rental company when he came up with ...