
Latest Review: A Mind at Peace by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar

The latest addition to our review section is a piece by Emily Shannon on Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar’s A Mind at Peace, which was translated from the Turkish by Erdag Göknar, published by Archipelago Books late last year, and most famously given as a gift to President Obama by Deniz Baykal, a member of the Turkish ...

Latest Review: In the United States of Africa

Our latest review is of Abdourahman A. Waberi’s In the United States of Africa. It’s a pretty interesting and strange book. Here’s the opening of my review: As Percival Everett states in his introduction, Djibouti author Abdourahman Waberi’s first novel to be translated into English is particularly ...

Latest Review: The Blue Fox by Sjon

Our latest review is of Sjon’s The Blue Fox, which was translated from the Icelandic by Victoria Cribb and published last year by Telegram Books. Sounds interesting, even if our reviewer Phillip Witte has some mixed feelings: I picked up The Blue Fox on a continuing kick for Icelandic literature having recently ...

Latest Review: Belonging

Our latest review is of Belonging: New Poetry by Iranians Around the World, edited and translated by Niloufar Talebi. Niloufar is an extremely talented translator and performer, and runs the very impressive Translation Project, which promotes contemporary Iranian literature through a variety of media. A great example of ...

Latest Review: The Tsar's Dwarf

Larissa Kyzer’s write-up of Danish author Peter Fogtdal’s The Tsar’s Dwarf is the latest addition to our review section. It’s fitting that Larissa would be the one to review this—in addition to reviewing for The L Magazine and working towards her Master’s in Library Science, she’s ...

Even O is Hip to It

A number of 2666 reviews are out now, including one in the L.A. Times and one by Adam Kirsch in Slate. And even in O Magazine, which compares the book to a video game (?!): Holding a reviewer’s copy of 2666 in public was like brandishing the newest Harry Potter at the playground three months before the on-sale ...

Latest Review: Of Kids & Parents

Our latest review is of Emil Hakl’s Of Kids & Parents, published by the admirable Twisted Spoon Press in