
Karen Emmerich and Greek Literature

Scott Esposito at Conversational Reading has a wonderfully detailed write up of the Center for the Art of Translation Event that took place last week where Karen Emmerich read from the work of four of her favorite Greek authors. You should really read Scott’s complete write-up, but here’s are the brief ...

The Buddenbrooks Book Club

Over at Conversational Reading, Scott Esposito is trying out an online book club experiment. Over the next month he will be reading Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks along with two friends—Sacha Arnold and John Lingan—and discussing the book online. Hopefully this will generate an interesting conversation and ...

Issue 15 of Quarterly Conversation

Seems to me like The Quarterly Conversation is getting better and better with every issue . . . The most recent one (which just went online over the weekend) has some great cover features, including a piece from the editors On the Demise of Publishing, Reading, and Everything Else, a (aforementioned) review of Mathias ...

Allan Kornblum on How to Publish in a Recession

Scott Esposito’s series on independent presses in the recession continues with a look at Coffee House and its founder, Allan Kornblum: SE: How sensitive is Coffee House to unexpected changes in grants and donations? For instance, if some of your expected grants got stuck in limbo due to budget cuts and freezes, ...

Austro-Hungarian Lit.

In case your reading list isn’t long enough, Scott asked his readers to put together a list of great books/authors from the former empire: A couple weeks back I noted that a a great city (Vienna) surrounded by a great empire (Austria-Hungary) deserved great literature. I started making a list of this literature, ...

Chelsea Green in the Recession

The latest installment in Scott Esposito’s series on how to publish in a recession features Margo Baldwin of Chelsea Green, which just finished its best year ever. Margo’s responses are really interesting—especially her predictions about the future: Scott Esposito: As someone who has been publishing for ...

Richard Nash on Publishing in a Recession

The latest entry in Scott Esposito’s fascinating series of interviews with independent publishers about publishing during a recession is now available online. This time he talks with Richard Nash, publisher of Soft Skull, and one of the smartest (and most articulate) people in the field when it comes to talking about ...