
Words Without Borders Book Club: The Assistant by Robert Walser

A few weeks back, I mentioned the Reading the World/Words Without Borders Book Club featuring Robert Walser’s The Assistant. At the time the discussion was just getting underway, and all that was available online was Sam Jones’s excellent introduction and Susan Bernofsky’s translator’s afterword to the ...

Reading the World 2008: The Assistant by Robert Walser

This is the third entry in our series covering all twenty-five Reading the World 2008 titles. Write-ups of the other titles can be found here. And information about the Reading the World program—a special collaboration between publishers and independent booksellers to promote literature in translation throughout the ...

NY Times Fiction Roundup

There’s a great fiction chronicle Sunday’s New York Times Book Review by Alison McCulloch. A few international writers are featured, including two of my favorites: Jean Echenoz and Robert Walser. Ravel by Jean Echenoz has been getting some decent praise, and Ms. McCulloch calls it a “beautifully musical ...

Another Review of Walser

This week’s New Yorker contains a substantial, informed review by Benjamin Kunkel of Robert Walser’s The Assistant. It’s a very interesting piece, from someone who obviously knows a lot about Walser’s life and writing. Great to see this book getting such good attention, especially in a place like the ...

Village Voice on Robert Walser

I have to admit that I’m hesitant to post anything about the Village Voice on Three Percent, since I’m still pissed about what they did to Ed Park and the books section, and I think that David Blum set the Voice back a decade through his general, overwhelming incompetence. (I mean, really. Check out this article ...