
The Millions on Translation and Prizes

Over at The Millions, Garth follows up on his literary prize post of a few days ago: I know next to nothing about the translation business, except that it is vital to my reading habits. And so, earlier this week, I posted a little survey of international awards for fiction, along with the unobjectionable (I think) ...

The Millions breaks it down

Max’s recent post cataloging 13 years of Anglo-American “Prizewinners” got me wondering… what were the most decorated books in foreign-language fiction during the same period? And how many of them are currently available in English? I assumed that, in an Internet age, this information would be easy ...

More on IMPAC Shortlist

To follow up on last night’s brief post about the IMPAC Shortlist, be sure to check out the coverage at The Millions to find links to reviews of the books and/or interviews with the authors. (I wanted to do something similar, but this post is better than anything I would’ve come up ...

The Canonization of Roberto Bolaño

Garth Risk Hallberg has a solid overview of Bolaño and why he matters at The Millions: In American literature, experimentalism is kept like a domesticated animal. For twenty-two hours a day, it sleeps under the kitchen table. Occasionally, when we get bored, we trot it out and put it through its tricks to remind ...

BOMB Goes Online

Looks like highbrow lit mag BOMB is in the process of making a lot of its content available online for free. According to their site, this includes over 800 interviews from the past 26 years. Nice. (Via The ...