
Review of To Be Translated or Not To Be

This is a bit self-promotional, but I’m proud to announce that my review of To Be Translated or Not To Be is available in the new issue of Publishing Research Quarterly. Having not published a print review in a while (I can barely find the time to sleep), I’m pretty ...

To Be Translated or Not To Be: Case Studies — France

The last case study in the PEN/Ramon Llull To Be Translated or Not To Be report was written by Anne-Sophie Simenel when she was Program Director for the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in New York. Before getting into specifics of the case study, I think it’s worthwhile pointing out some of the oddities of ...

To Be Translated or Not To Be: Case Studies — China

Continuing the ongoing series on the PEN/Ramon Llull To Be Translated or Not To Be report, today we’re covering the case study on China, which contains the most disturbing translation statistic I’ve ever come across: According to the official statistics, China produced about 110,000 new titles in 2003, and ...

To Be Translated or Not To Be: Case Studies — Germany

Germany is the next country covered in the PEN/Ramon Llull To Be Translated or Not To Be report. (For anyone interested, all the earlier posts about this report can be found by clicking here.) This section was written by Riky Stock, who is the director of the admirable and ambitious German Book Office. Putting aside the ...

To Be Translated or Not To Be: Case Studies — Catalonia

Next up in our ongoing series about the PEN/Ramon Llull To Be Translated or Not To Be report is a look at the case study for Catalonia. Even within the context of this report, Catalonia is in an odd position re: their literary tradition and translation. At a basic level, I’m not sure the general U.S. population is ...

To Be Translated or Not To Be: Case Studies — Argentina

Part of our ongoing look at the PEN/Ramon Llull To Be Translated or Not To Be report, this week we’re looking at the included case studies from countries around the world. Yesterday it was The Netherlands, today Argentina. The story in Argentina is almost tragic. As Gabriela Adamo—the author of this case study ...

To Be Translated or Not To Be: Case Studies — The Netherlands

Continuing the ongoing series on PEN/Ramon Llull’s To Be Translated or Not To Be report, over the next few days I’m going to post about each of the Case Studies included in Part III. These were written by various experts in their respective countries (frequently associated with the local PEN center) in response to ...