
Help Get an Open Letter Book into TMN's Tournament of Books (And I'll Help You)

For the past ten years, The Morning News hosts the Tournament of Books, a March Madness of sorts for works of fiction. Every bracket matchup is decided by a blogger/writer/critic/minor celebrity who picks between the two books on merit, readability, cover design, weight, other intangibles—whatever they want. As a ...


Three Percent #32: Everybody Loves a Bracket

With the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament getting underway this afternoon (I refuse to acknowledge the “First Four” games), Tom and I thought this would be a good time to talk about the fact that we both picked the exact same Final Four (Kentucky, Missouri, UNC, and Ohio State) and that The Morning ...

The Morning News Tournament of Books 2012

The Morning News Tournament of Books is BACK! For the uninitiated, this is a 16-book, bracket-style “tournament” designed to crown the . . . well, I’ll just let them explain it: Today we’re announcing the shortlist for the 2012 Tournament of Books (for novels, of course, published in 2011) only a week ...

My Befuddled Head Just Exploded

I love tournaments in March—especially ones involving screamin’ Gus Johnson—but my love for the Morning News Tournament of Books ended this morning with The Savage Detectives being upset in the first round by Vendela Vida’s Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name. It’s really not the who that ...

I'm Pulling for a Bolano vs. McCarthy Final

The Morning News just announced the book list for the 2008 Tournament of Books, a March Madness-styled book contest in which high profile litbloggers decide on the best book of the past year. The complete list is below and features one translation—Roberto Bolano’s The Savage Detectives. I haven’t read ...