
Don't Forget to Tweet about Granta

As mentioned yesterday, this morning we’re having a special “Twitter Party” regarding Granta‘s special issue featuring the “Best of Young Spanish-Language Novelists.” So fire up your TweetDeck and join us . . . At this moment, I’m probably trying to cram a dozen hyperbolic statements ...

This Idea Is Insane

OK, I’m totally going to sound like a luddite, a recluse, or that crazy guy yelling at kids to get off his lawn, but I think the announcement from the Library of Congress that they’re going to archive all public Twitter “tweets” is fricking ridiculous. Sure, there are people who are way into Twitter ...

Five-Figure Advance for Book of Tweets

This is the way the publishing world ends This is the way the publishing world ends This is the way the publishing world ends Not with a bang but a ...