
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for a Translation of a Literary Work

One other MLA thing worth mentioning is that Timothy Billings and Christopher Bush (of Middlebury College and Northwestern University respectively) won this year’s Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for their translation of Stèles by Victor Segalen, which was published by Wesleyan University Press in 2007. NYRB ...

Poetry Magazine and Translations

April is National Poetry Month, so we’ll be highlighting more works of translated poetry over the next few weeks than we normally do. (In case you’re wondering, in the database there are 11 collections of translated poetry scheduled to come out this month.) Interestingly, Poetry magazine’s April issue ...

Believer #50

The fiftieth issue of The Believer is out and has a couple of pieces on international fiction. The review of Havana Noir from Akashic Books is available online in full, and ends with a decent enough recommendation: “In Havana Noir, better than half the stories are truly gripping, and all of them resuscitate a dark ...

Another Interesting Writer in the Sun

What is it with the books coverage in the NY Sun? Totally makes the daily Times look like a provincial rag . . . Anyway, Benjamin Ivry has a review of Victor Segalen’s Steles, a collection of prose poems just out from Wesleyan University Press in today’s Sun. I personally don’t know much about Segalen, ...