
Will Cleveland's Favorite Albums of 2012 [Music Podcast]

As a supplement to this week’s “Favorite Music of 2012” podcast, we’ll be posting top 10 album lists from all four participants over the course of the day. Here’s Will Cleveland’s list. 1. Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Allelujah! Don’t Bend! Ascend! The Canadian post-rock icons ...


Three Percent #51: Long Intros and Boy Bands [Favorite Music of 2012]

This week’s podcast features Chad, Nathan Furl, Kaija Straumanis, and Will Cleveland talking about their favorite albums of 2012. (And sometimes 2011.) It’s a pretty tight podcast, featuring thirteen different artists and some interesting insights into why we each like different styles of music. Oh, and of course ...

Ten Albums from 2011 [Will Cleveland's List]

Here’s guest podcaster turned guest blogger Will Cleveland’s list of best albums of 2011. He’s a bit more sincere and straightforward than I am, which is why these are presented in countdown fashion. Click here for the Spotify playlist with a bunch of songs from both of our lists. I present my top 10 ...