
“Cars on Fire” by Mónica Ramón Ríos [Excerpt]

Now you're really getting to preview our books . . . Although Cars on Fire by Mónica Ramón Ríos, translated from the Spanish by Robin Myers, is available for preorder from various online retailers, we don't even have this book up on our website yet and, as of yesterday, on our website as well. We haven't even presented ...

Save 40% AND Get a Free T-Shirt for Women in Translation Month

As we head into the final week of Women in Translation Month we wanted to remind you that you can get 40% off Open Letter titles written or translated by women. Including all forthcoming titles! Use promo code WITMONTH at checkout. And as a special bonus, for everyone who orders five or more titles from this collection ...

Women in Translation by Publisher

Earlier this week I posted a few infographics about the breakdown of books (fiction + poetry) in translation by men vs. women from the sixteen countries that have produced the most new translated titles since 2008. Lots of qualifiers in there! To clarify: I took all countries with more than 100 books in translation in the ...

Three Percent #167: We Could All Do Better

Meytal Radzinski joins Chad and Tom to talk about Women in Translation Month, depressing statistics, Virginie Despentes, nonfiction in translation, hopes for the future, and much more. As always, feel free to send any and all comments or questions to: threepercentpodcast@gmail.com. Also, if there are articles you’d like ...

“The Teacher” by Michal Ben-Naftali [Excerpt]

There are three more forthcoming Open Letter titles by women that I want to share for Women in Translation Month. First up is The Teacher by Michel Ben-Naftali, translated from the Hebrew by Daniella Zamir. Here's the jacket copy: No one knew the story of Elsa Weiss. She was a respected English teacher at a Tel Aviv high ...

Women in Translation by Country

Since I skipped last week, I'm going to post a few WITMonth infographics this week, starting with the three charts below. But first, a bit of methodology and explanation. I was curious about which countries were the most balanced in terms of books in translation written by men and women. We know from the earlier ...

Percent of Translations Originally Written by Women, 2008-2019

  I was planning on posting one of these each week with next to no context, but just to explain what's above, this is a year-by-year breakdown of the percentage of works of fiction in translation originally written by men, by women, and anthologies including both genders. The biggest gap was in 2008 (54.61% ...