
Because Cleveland Folks Have Enough Problems . . . More World Cup!

Over at Words Without Borders, Andy Tepper has a great post listing interesting books to read from all participating World Cup countries: There are some interesting books, even more so perhaps this year because the Cup is being held in Africa for the first time. But I thought it might also be fun to use the idea of the ...

The World Cup & Archipelago Books

I meant to write about this last week, but I’m an idiot and totally forgot. Although there’s not a lot of time left to take advantage of this, Archipelago Books is having a World Cup Special: for $90 you get a set of nine Archipelago titles by writers from the host and quarterfinal-qualifying countries, or for $35 ...

"The Canvas": The Next German Book I Want to See Translated

Thanks to Ed Park (who wrote the amazing Personal Days, which everyone who has ever worked should definitely read) for bringing this to my attention—a novel which you can start on either end and which seemingly ends with a confrontation between the two main characters that happens literally at the middle of the ...