
Cool Guardian Series

The Guardian is one of my favorite newspapers for any number of reasons, but I particularly like their series and their overall international focus. For instance, earlier this month they launched their New Europe Series, which features an in-depth look at four European countries: Germany, France, Spain, and Poland. (The ...

World Literature Tour: Portugal

I always say that I’m going to check in regularly with the Guardian World Literature Tour, then completely fail. Hopefully this month things will be different as they “head off” to Portugal. Early on, the authors recommended are pretty well known—Jose Saramago, Antonio Lobo Antunes, and Eca de ...

World Literature Tour: Romania

The Guardian’s world literature tour visits

Guardian World Literature Tour in Spain

This month (October I guess . . . seems like the Brits are jumping the gun a bit), the Guardian World Literature Tour will be talking about Spain. So far, the recommendations are pretty straightforward—lot of love for Cela, Javier Marias, Juan Marse, Ramon Lllull, and Juan Goytisolo “if you like sheer ...

Guardian World Literature Tour: Ireland

This month the Guardian World Literature Tour focuses on Ireland. Here’s their summary of how the tour works: And, as it’s been a while since the tour last stopped by, here’s a quick reminder of how it works. It goes like this: every few weeks we post asking for suggestions of the best books and authors ...