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Research Policy Committee

Our Mission

The committee will gather input from the Senate and the faculty as needed to carry out its mission. Issues in the purview of the committee include, but are not limited to, policies regarding grant submission and internal pre-and post-award review, financial and accounting issues related to research activities, the activities and policies of the Research Subjects Review Board, technology transfer, patent development and licensing, policies regarding off-site research, and issues related to research participation of non-US citizens, such as deemed exports.

Research Policy Committee Charge

The Faculty Research Policy Committee will serve as a conduit and focal point for faculty discussions with the administration regarding policies that govern research at the University, and will serve as an advisory body to the administration on such policies. The members of the committee will consist of nine faculty members eligible to vote for the Faculty Senate, and members of the administration selected by the Senior Vice President for Research who will serve ex officio. Committee membership should include at least one member of each academic unit (AS&E, SMD, SON, Warner, Simon, Eastman), unless the current Senate Executive Committee members from a particular school assert that there is no need for representation from the school. The faculty members of the committee will elect a chair or co-chairs who shall be responsible for communication with the Senate and its Executive Committee. The committee will gather input from the Senate and the faculty as needed to carry out its mission. Issues in the purview of the committee include, but are not limited to, policies regarding grant submission and internal preand post-award review, financial and accounting issues related to research activities, the activities and policies of the Research Subjects Review Board, technology transfer, patent development and licensing, policies regarding off-site research, and issues related to research participation of non-US citizens, such as deemed exports.

Drafted and approved by the Senate Executive Committee, 11/22/2016.

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