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Dues & Memberships

Personal obligations, such as club memberships, are not reimbursable expenses. These should be sent to Payroll for extra compensation to the employee if the department feels they should be reimbursed.

Memberships on Behalf of Individuals

If a professional membership is directly required by the individual’s position at the University, dues may appropriately be charged to a University account. A Request for Payment (F4) should be processed, supported by original invoice or dues notice. The appropriate Dean, Director or Vice President must approve these payments. Other memberships not required by the individual’s position at the University are generally considered personal obligations.

Memberships on Behalf of the University

To recommend initial or renewal of membership on behalf of the University, or its separate schools or colleges, complete a Request for Payment (F4) indicating the membership and its purpose. Attach the original dues notice or membership invoice and forward to Accounts Payable for payment processing. The appropriate Dean, Director or Vice President must approve these payments.

Other Memberships

Payments of all non-professional memberships are exception to University policy and must be approved by the appropriate Dean, Director or Vice President. Such payments may be considered taxable income to the individual. For more information, please see Taxable Payments to Individuals.


Page updated 4/18/18