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Instructor Led Training – Class Recordings

Summary and Labor Class Recordings

1 – Summary and Labor Overview

2   UR Budget Logon and Tour

3 – Review Budget Data

4 – Review Plan File Columns

5 – Review Plan File Rows

6 – Exercise: Add and Modify Budget Items

7 – Add a New Hire

8 – Exercise: Add a New Hire

9 – 12-Month Spread Planning

10 – Exercise: 12-Month Spread Planning

11 – Authorized FTE planning

12 – Reports

13 – Case Study

14 – Wrap Up Summary


Provider Class Recordings

1 – Introduction

2 – Provider Model Process

3 – Provider Model Process and Tour

4 – View 1: Effort Distribution

5 – View 2: wRVU

6 – View 3: Compensation

7 – View 4: Revenue

8 – View 5: Cases

9 – View 6/7: Provider Summary and Incentives and Totals

10 – Add a New Provider

11 – Case Study

12 – Reports

13 – Provider Model Data in FAO Plan Files

14 – Collaborate with FAO Plan File Owners

15 – Wrap Up Summary


BIP Class Recordings

1 – Course Introduction

2 – Introduction to BIPs

3 – Logging on to UR Budget and BIPs

4 – BIP Tour

5 – Populating BIP Info

6 – Adding Milestones

7 – Planning Labor Changes

8 – Filling Out Financials

9 – Add an FAO to the BIP

10 – BIP Reports

11 – Wrap Up Summary


Budget Amendment Class Recordings

1 – Course Intro

2 – Overview and Tour

3 – Create A Standard Budget Amendment Within FAO

4 – Exercise-New Amendment within an FAO

5 – Create Standard Budget Amendment from 1 FAO to Multiple FAC-FAOs

6 – Budget Amendment Approval Process

7 – Budget Amendments Reports

8 – Wrap Up-Summary