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Can we link wRVU calculation to be the clinical FTE? Need to better understand any difference between “target” for compensation plan and “anticipated” for revenue planning.

There is no link in the system; however you can input a calculation in the wRVU cell. If you currently have a 1.0 Clinical FTE generating 5,000 wRVUs, and the Provider is reducing to a .75 CFTE, you could input a calculation in the wRVU cell (5,000*.75) to derive the new wRVU amount.

The Compensation plan references target and incentive. Target wRVU’s should be related to the base pay you are providing your physician.  Any wRVUs above the target are related to incentive wRVU and should correspond to the incentive compensation.  This does not apply to every department so you will need to refer to your own compensation plan.  Keep in mind the goal is that the wRVUs you input in total should calculate the budgeted revenue you expect to achieve in that fiscal year.