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Can you explain the alignment between the URMC eParc and UR Budget projects?

The UR Budget  project leadership team has been in constant communication with the eParc team to ensure that those impacted by both projects don’t get overloaded transitioning to two new systems.  When the eParc go-live was postponed from October 1st to March 4th, both project leadership teams met to readjust training schedules and conflicting schedules.  To that end, the UR Budget project has accelerated training for the Medical Center users that are also affected by the eParc project by moving training 1 -2 months earlier.

In addition, to provide additional time in the schedule for the FY19 budget development, the Medical Center divisions will go-live 1 month earlier for UR Budget than originally scheduled.  For the majority of the Medical Center divisions, the UR Budget system will be available around December 20th.  The FY19 budget schedule still remains the same, however, opening up the UR Budget system earlier provides additional time to prepare the budget.