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How is UR Budget different from how we budget today?

Listed below are the major process changes created by the implementation of the UR Budget system. Attend the monthly Demo Days event to learn more on these, or contact us for more information.

  1. Spreading annual budget to all months – in the past, the budget was an annual budget amount for the entire year for many FAOs.  In UR Budget, the annual amount will be spread across the months using various spread methods.
  2. Excel user interface rather than web based – UR Budget is Excel based and has standard calculations that have been tested to prevent manual Excel errors.
  3. The introduction of the Provider Model for the Medical Center– this feature is used by the medical center for budgeting patient care professional revenue and compensation for most of the medical faculty.  It uses statistical productivity data to plan clinical work for providers and comprehensively budgets a person’s compensation regardless of how many FAOs their salary is charged to.
  4. Use of some workflow to route budgets for approval – once budgets are complete, they can be routed electronically for review and approval.
  5. Introducing a BIP form – Business Improvement Plans, or BIPs, will now be captured in UR Budget.  Once approved, a BIP is added to an FAO’s based budget.
  6. Allocations will be distributed – similar to actuals in UR Financials, UR Budget will distribute central and medical center allocations automatically to targeted FAOs.  No need to manually enter the amounts.