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How will Highland Hospital be impacted?

Specific information regarding Highland Hospital users (timeline, training and processes) will be announced on the News page and documented on the Highland Hospital page under the Resources menu.

Unique Impacts to Highland Hospital Users

Continued use of Highland Hospital chart of accounts (departments and subaccounts) but within the same structure (column headings) as everyone else (URMC and academic schools)

  • An “HH” will be appended as a prefix to department and subaccounts
  • Department 600 = HH0600
  • Subaccount 4415345 = HH4415345

General Impacts to All Users

  • User interface to change from web based to Excel based
  • Budget development will be performed primarily within the UR Budget application versus shadow systems (i.e. Excel)
  • Budget schedule will be similar to prior years
  • Budget amounts will be spread to months rather than just a full year’s budgeted amount