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Highland Financial Forms Change Prior to UR Financials Launch this July

Highland is replacing its current financial system with UR Financials this July! 

This change will primarily affect managers, but employees will also see a change in several Accounts Payable and Payroll forms.

A new chart of accounts has been developed, changing how employees and managers request financial transactions using Accounts Payable and Payroll forms such as Travel/Conference Expense Reimbursement or Payroll Correction forms.

[View a recent presentation on account code form changes by Scott Posse at the May 18th Managers Meeting.]

Any Highland form requiring a department or sub-account code will be modified to request a Financial Activity Object (FAO) in place of the department code and spend category, revenue category, or ledger account for the sub-account code. Additional information will be announced over the next two months, including a crosswalk tool that will assist with HBOC to UR Financials (Workday) code translation.

Please note that current forms requesting financial or departmental information will be accepted until Friday, June 23rd. After this time, only updated forms will be accepted. 

Learn more about Highland’s new Financial Activity Objects (FAO), project FAQs, and how to prepare for manager training opportunities.

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