Carrying a warm Rochester welcome forward

Carrying a warm Rochester welcome forward

Meet Amanda White ’17S (MBA), a Simon grad and alumni community builder in Chicago

Amanda White ’17S (MBA) (right) with fellow Simon grads Aileen Hayman ’17S (MBA) (left) and Tanisha Howell ’17S (MBA) (center)

Amanda White ’17S (MBA) (right) with fellow Simon grads Aileen Hayman ’17S (MBA) (left) and Tanisha Howell ’17S (MBA) (center)

Tell us about your time as a student.

I had so many fun times as a student, though the best memories I had were not in class! I remember eating chocolate with my classmates while doing a case study about chocolate manufacturing (this was required to better understand the product— at least that’s how I justified the trip to Wegmans!), but I also loved working until midnight trying to build decks for a case competition. And of course, using Simon study rooms at night to play games.

How did your experience at the University of Rochester influence your life? 

Some of my best friends who I see almost every weekend came from my time at Simon, and my first job out of school came from the strong connection that the Simon program had with my first employer.

What inspired you to get involved and volunteer?

I was active during my time at Simon in the Graduate Business Council, so carrying it forward after grad school just made sense! So much of the Simon experience is shaped by our time with the staff, alumni, or cohorts, so now is my chance to make others feel welcomed in the same way.

What’s the most rewarding part of staying connected with your Business School alma mater? 

The most rewarding part is that I know I can help others feel like they are welcome in a new city, place, or event. Another bonus is that I can meet new people who can truly understand why I felt the need the bring my out-of-town guests to a fancy grocery store (my non-Rochesterian friends just don’t understand).

What are you looking forward to next? 

Immediately, I’m looking forward to the Eastman School of Music Centennial Celebration in Chicago on April 26th, but I’m really eager to start brainstorming new ideas for the summer.

What advice do you have for others looking to get involved? 

Getting involved is as much or as little as you want it to be. Going to events is being involved; texting others an invite is being involved; and so is helping to brainstorm and plan events. Choose what level you think you can do and start there.