Following his calling beyond Rochester

Following his calling beyond Rochester

Meet Los Angeles Network Leadership Co-Chair Nick Brandt ’98

Headshot of Nick Brandt

Nick Brandt ’98

Tell us about your time as a student.

Outside of classes, the most formative elements of my time at the University of Rochester were my three years as an RA and four years with UR Concerts, culminating with me leading the group my senior year. Spearheading bringing iconic acts like Billy Joel, The Ramones, and Beck to campus was incredibly memorable, and I wore my Ramones concert t-shirt until it lost full structural integrity!

How did your experience at the University of Rochester influence your life?

My courses in Film Studies had a huge impact because I found my calling and it would lead me to leave all I knew on the East Coast to strike out and form a new life in Los Angeles. My creative writing professor, Thomas Gavin, shaped my creative mind, inspiring me to write in varied media (children’s books, comic books, novels, films, and musicals), and I continue to correspond with him regularly.

What inspired you to get involved and volunteer?

What initially inspired me to get involved and volunteer was a feeling of not being connected to the greater Rochester community. This drives me because I want to ensure our network is strong and that everyone feels connected and welcomed.

What’s the most rewarding part of staying connected with your alma mater?

What I most love is meeting the varied other graduates and continuing to learn from them.

What are you looking forward to next?

I know this will age me, but as a member of the class of 1998, I’m looking forward to our 25th reunion at Meliora Weekend 2023. I miss Rochester and love any excuse to revisit.

What advice do you have for others looking to get involved?

Getting involved can be as simple as showing up. It’s always heartening to see new faces and I think once you participate in activities and see the effect it can have on your fellow grads, you want to start to contribute as well.