Meet the cochairs

Meet the cochairs

University of Rochester Metro New York City Women

COCHAIRS: Barbara Grossman Berger (left) and Serli Looi say the Metro
New York City group offers a forum for friendship and engagement.

The University of Rochester Metro New York City Women’s group is dedicated to fostering community through a mission of women supporting women. Founded in 2011 by Kathy Murray ’74, chair emeritus and a University trustee, and Victoria Turchetti ’97, today Barbara Grossman Berger ’77 and Sherli Looi ’04S (MBA) cochair the group, which hosts monthly breakfasts and a variety of other activities.

For both Berger and Looi, the group provides ways to connect on a personal level. “We are all so tied up in our lives and, for many of us, we don’t interact with each other face-to-face much anymore,” says Berger.

Looi says that because New York City is so big, it can be easy to feel disconnected. For her, the group is a forum for friendship.

Every month, the group’s steering committee discusses program ideas. In addition to Murray, Berger, and Looi, Anita Mehta ’91, Christiane Siebert ’91E, Louisa Lei ’15, and Sofia Saravia ’16 serve on the committee. “We’re a close-knit, inclusive group,” says Looi. They are also a diverse group, with members from five countries—Malaysia, China, Mexico, Germany, and the United States.

Berger and Looi say the group reflects the diversity of New York City. “You don’t see any barriers between us based on where we come from, our careers, our ages, or anything. We are just a group of women who share our thoughts and ideas, plan programs that we think will have value, and thrive on the friendships that result.”

“If you are a new graduate, come to one of our breakfasts; if you are looking for a new place to live, talk with us about what you are looking for.” Adds Looi, “We can all help each other, and we can celebrate the fact that we share a strong connection to Rochester.”

Melissia Schmidt, associate director of regional and volunteer programs, says such affinity groups offer ways to connect that go beyond region and class year. “They offer friendship, networking opportunities, and a sense of community tied to shared interests, values, identities, and experiences.”

Find the group on Facebook, LinkedIn, and the Meliora Collective, or email for more information.

— Kristine Thompson, 2019

This story originally appeared in the winter issue of Rochester Review.