Eastman Comes First for Dr. Baig

Eastman Comes First for Dr. Baig

Dr. Baig's parents

Dr. Baig’s parents, Mohammed Baig and Najma Begum

Growing up in India, Mohammed “Bobby” Baig ’11D (Den) saw his father as a strong role model. The senior M.K. Baig’s number one passion was helping others.

Professionally, as Minister of Education in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, he worked tirelessly to change policy and was instrumental in bringing advanced technical education there. He convinced the state government to build reservoirs and install pipelines to help residents on the top of a mountain have clean drinking water pumped up the mountain. For years, women would descend 1,000 steps to the base and then carry water all the way back to the top.

“In 1992, when there were major riots in India due to the demolition of the Babri Mosque, the only place in the whole country without a single untoward incident was my city Vijayawada,” Baig recalled.  “My father worked tirelessly with the community and the peace-keeping forces to maintain normalcy.”

Recognizing his father’s contributions to the society, the government of India gave him a National Award for Peace in 1994; to date, a number of high schools, education centers and markets have been named after him.

Outside of his professional life, he and Baig’s mother, Najma Begum, worked together to advocate and support causes related to education, health care and children with their time, talent and treasure.

Dr. Bobby Baig

Dr. Bobby Baig (Prostho ’11)

“My dad was very smart and hardworking, but also very compassionate and generous,” described Baig. Baig’s parents were incredibly supportive of his goal to be a dentist and prosthodontist; and in 2007, when his mom was diagnosed with cancer, his parents tried to keep the situation as worry- free as possible for him, wanting him to focus on his studies.

“It was a very stressful time,” Baig recalled when he was at Eastman as a resident. “I didn’t want to let my family down. I was trying to help from here, while trying to focus and give everything to my work in the prosthodontics program, my co-residents Zandi, Mario, Eduardo, Tamer, Berge, Andre and Boza and the faculty were incredibly supportive the entire time, it was like a family away from home.”

His mother fought hard, but in 2011, the cancer was progressing and she was very ill.

“I wanted nothing more than to have my parents in the audience during the graduation ceremony,” Baig said, “but my mom was undergoing cancer treatment and they understandably couldn’t come.”

Six months later in December of 2011, an unexpected turn of events occurred. His father had a heart attack at age 71 and passed away. And then eight months later, his mother lost her battle with cancer at age 61.

Their deaths left a deep void to all who knew and loved them and who were touched by their work.

Baig and his brother and sisters have been working to carry on their parents’ legacy, by donating food, clothing and books to those in need, helping support free medical, dental and vision care charity programs under “Baig & Najma Charitable Trust.”

“We have gone to several schools to provide much-needed books and supplies for the kids,” Baig added. “My parents helped so many people, we are happy to continue their work and know it would make their souls happy.

“Every time I talk about my mom, I feel like 100 angels are on me,” he said with a huge smile. “I’m blessed to have such a wonderful family.”

After graduation, Baig went back to work with Izchak Barzilay (Prostho ’86, MS ’91) in Toronto, where he worked as an Education Center Coordinator. Barzilay has long been his mentor and the one who originally recommended him to apply to Eastman for the Prostho program.

Baig also teaches one day at Toronto University and drives to Rochester to serve as faculty two days a week at Eastman Dental. One day, Prosthodontics Chair and Program Director Carlo Ercoli, DDS (Prostho ’96, TMJ ’97, Gen Den ’99, Perio ’12) called Baig to tell him about a major fundraiser for the department, and asked him how he could help.

“When I heard about the plans and design, I was very impressed,” Baig said. “And then he asked me, ‘what do you think you can do?’

“When I was in the program, I always heard my senior colleagues talk about the need to settle down before giving back something in return for the education they received,” Baig said. “I understood where they were coming from, but didn’t agree completely.

“The very day I finished my program at Eastman, I felt so comfortable; I learned so much in my program, I thought I can always give back. I can plan myself in such a way I should be able to give as early as possible,” he said matter-of-factly.

So Ercoli set up Baig’s gift of $10,000 over five years.

“Some people may think five years is short term, but if you’re practicing every day, five years is a long time,” he said. “If I can’t give $10,000 back to the department in five years, then something is wrong with my training.  Getting trained by world class faculty at Eastman I had all the confidence to say ‘Yes.’”

And then another unexpected turn of events occurred.

Ercoli told Baig his donation qualifies as a naming gift, and said he wanted to name the Cone Beam CT Room after his parents.

Dr. Baig

Dr. Baig’s generous gift will name the Cone Beam CT Room after his late parents.

“He told me, “Bobby, you know I’ve never met your parents, but I’ve known you for so many years as a part of this program, and I can tell what good people they are and that you were brought up very well.’

“I was so surprised—I had no idea that would be part of my gift,” Baig said. “We are all going to come and leave this earth, but my parents’ names are going to stay as long as this building is here. Knowing their passion for education and how much they supported me while I was here– having them recognized in this way is so touching, so special. My whole family is thrilled.”

Baig considers Eastman as his extended family.

“Eastman is an amazing institute,” he said. “I think we are way ahead of programs in other universities in the U.S. and Canada. Getting my education under the guidance of Drs. Graser, Ercoli, Tallents, Soltys, Bafile and Oster, I could not have asked for more.

“Apart from being teachers with world-class knowledge, they are also the most humble people you’ll ever meet,” Baig added. “Eastman not only taught me Prosthodontics, but how humble you can be as a human being. I think about the ways Dr. Barzilay has given back to this building. He and my father are two great men with major influence in my life. If I do even a fraction of what they’ve done, it will be the greatest achievement in my life.”

Baig recently was offered a package to increase his hours at Toronto University, matching his compensation at Eastman, and reminding him he could eliminate all the drive time back and forth to Rochester.

“I told them, ‘it’s not about the driving, it’s a special bond with this place,’” Baig said. “’Thank you for your offer, but Eastman comes first.’’’