Building multiplicative connections

Building multiplicative connections

Meet Black Alumni Network Global Co-Chair Sean Allen ’11S (MS)

Sean Allen Headshot

What inspired you to get involved and volunteer?

When I became a Big Brother (i.e. through Big Brothers Big Sisters) and was matched with my Little in 2008, I realized that every life we impact is special. Volunteering inspires me and helps me stay focused on making a positive impact on our community every day. I am a career coach and real estate professional dedicated to helping people achieve their goals. I founded Sean’s Resume Shop in 2013 to provide one-on-one coaching to professionals, and since 2019, I have had the privilege of serving as an independent contractor career coach with the University of Rochester Office of Alumni Relations.

Additionally, I am serving on the Steering Committee for the University of Rochester’s Volunteers in Partnership (VIP) Leadership Conference in June 2024, where I will connect with our vast network of committed volunteer leaders, regionally and nationally. This leadership conference is an opportunity for volunteers from across the university to learn, network, and grow together, further fostering the “leader leading leaders” phenomenon.

What’s the most rewarding part of staying connected with your alma mater?

There is nothing more rewarding than making a positive impact on our youth, who are our future. As an alumni interviewer, I have the opportunity to interview potential and admitted undergraduate students to discuss how they exhibit the MELIORA principles and share some of my own positive University of Rochester experiences. I am proud to have been an integral part of helping to bring in a record number of applications for the Class of 2026.

The most rewarding part of being connected to my alma mater is the multiplicative connections with potential students, current students, and recent and seasoned alumni. I will never forget some of the events that I have attended on behalf of the University of Rochester and Simon Business School.

What are you looking forward to next?

In 2020, I expanded my leadership coaching practice to focus on the nonprofit world, applying my professional development skills and real estate expertise to help nonprofit boards acquire real estate for their organizations’ goals. I am inspired by the opportunity to make a more substantial global impact through my work with these boards.

I am excited about my most recent opportunity to serve as the Black Alumni Network’s global co-chair. In this role, I will be responsible for leading and representing the network, as well as overseeing the committee chairs and members at large. I am elated to grow the platform to connect Black alumni from around the world and to work together to make a positive impact on our communities.

What advice do you have for others looking to get involved?

Dive in! I recommend three ways for alumni to get involved with the University of Rochester: offer your time, profession, or money.

  1. Offer your time: There are many opportunities to volunteer your time to the University, such as mentoring students or alumni, interviewing potential students, helping with alumni event programming, or serving as a speaker for a class. Even my fiancée who didn’t attend the University of Rochester, has attended several alumni events with me and is part of the University of Rochester’s Women’s Network. You and your partner can find volunteer opportunities that align with your passions and interests.
  2. Offer your profession: If you have a profession that is related to the University’s goals, you can offer to participate in that capacity. For example, I was a panel facilitator at the 2022 University of Rochester’s Volunteers in Partnership (VIP) conference, presenting advanced strategies on how to lead volunteers in volunteer roles.
  3. Donate money: Alumni donations help to further the University’s goals. You can donate money to support diversity initiatives, Day of Giving campaigns, scholarships, academic programs, campus facilities, and more!