Reminiscing and reconnecting to Rochester

Reminiscing and reconnecting to Rochester

Meet young alumna Gabrielle Dimoff ’18

Gabrielle Dimoff ’18 posing in front of a bannister

Tell us about your time as a student (favorite classes, clubs, memories, etc.)

At Rochester, I was a chemical engineering major and I participated in the Off Broadway On Campus club, was a Senior EcoRep, and ran the Dining Services Instagram among other things. My friends often commented that I participated in so many things they had trouble keeping track. Some of my favorite non-chemical engineering classes were the American Sign Language (ASL) classes and a class on Ice Cores. My favorite memories are studying and hanging out with my chemical engineering friends. We all lived on campus all four years, often lived close to each other, and studied in the ITS (BEFORE the renovation). I’ll admit the renovated ITS is much nicer but lost some nostalgia.

How did your experience at the University of Rochester influence your life?

I am thankful to Rochester for providing me a quality education and the tools I needed to succeed in the workplace, but what I am most thankful for is the life-long friends. I am still close with my friends from Rochester and will be a bridesmaid in one of their weddings this October!

What inspired you to get involved and volunteer?

I had no idea that Rochester had alumni groups outside of Rochester and New York, so when I heard about the Chicago group, I had to join. I was just so excited to reconnect with people from Rochester. The first couple events I went to, I basked in the ability to tell Rochester specific tales and reminisce about things I’ve missed. When I talk to other Rochester students, I often recall stories or people or classes I haven’t thought of in a while. Reconnecting with Rochester alumni helps me reconnect with my past experiences – it’s amazing.

What are you looking forward to next?

I am excited about planning the upcoming Global Days of Service Chicago-based volunteer sites and the Explore Chicago event. They are the next two events for the Chicago Alumni network and take place in the fall.

What advice do you have for others looking to get involved?

My advice to others looking to get involved is to check out the virtual events that the different Regional Networks organize. They are easy ways to get involved and meet alumni since you can participate from anywhere. My first alumni event was a virtual one where they sent us painting supplies and had an artist give us a painting lesson while teaching about sea creatures.